
South African media: FOCAC is a beacon of hope for development

( Updated: 2024-09-01

On Aug 4, South Africa's Independent Media published a commentary emphasizing China's role as the world's second-largest economy in shaping a new international order. FOCAC is also highlighted as a major force in transforming global cooperation dynamics.

The piece notes that many African countries see the development model China has cultivated over the past 75 years as a promising alternative to the international status quo. According to the article, developing nations, in particular, are enthusiastic about seizing the opportunities generated by China's rise. It predicts that the 21st century will see China and Africa jointly achieve development and revitalization.

The article underscored the FOCAC's role as a catalyst for enhancing the development of the Global South and South-South cooperation. The forum is portrayed as a beacon of hope, offering new opportunities and direction during difficult times.