
Morocco Luban Workshop

( Updated: 2022-08-16

The Morocco Luban Workshop was officially launched in a  Cloud Unveiling  ceremony. Morocco Luban Workshop is jointly constructed by Tianjin Business Vocational College and Morocco's Ayasani 1 Institute of Applied Technology (AIAT) on Dec 3, 2021.


An exterior view of Morocco Luban Workshop [Photo provided to]


On Dec 3, 2021, the Morocco Luban Workshop cloud unveiling and launch ceremony is held simultaneously at the Ayasani 1 Institute of Applied Technology in Morocco. [Photo provided to]

It is located in the campus of the AIAT in Casablanca, Morocco, with an area of about 200 square meters.


Chinese and foreign teachers and students visit Tianjin 18th Street Twist Cultural Center. [Photo provided to]


The Cross-border e-commerce operation training room of Morocco Luban Workshop [Photo provided to]

With the "cloud computer room" and the aerial classroom as the carrier, and taking the simulation training software that embodies the integrated vocational education concept of "teaching, learning and practice", Morocco Luban Workshop has built four training rooms, namely cross-border e-commerce operation training room, cross-border e-commerce visual marketing training room, cross-border e-commerce virtual simulation training room and cross-border e-commerce studio.


Chinese and foreign teachers and students participate in badminton competition at Tianjin Business Vocational College. [Photo provided to]


On Dec 3, 2021, the general director of Morocco Vocational Education and Employment Development Office delivers a speech at the Cloud Unveiling and launch ceremony of Morocco Luban Workshop. [Photo provided to]

Combining the professional development needs of the AIAT, the workshop provides cross-border e-commerce skills training for Moroccan youth, aiming to train technical talents for cross-border e-commerce enterprises, and promote the communication and trade between China and Morocco.